Dr Kavitha Kukunoor
Dr. Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), BHMS is a classical homeopath, practicing homeopathy since 1996. She lives with her husband and two sons in Novi, Michigan, where her practise includes mostly online / phone consultations. She is President & CEO of Kavitha Holistic Approach, Founder & Director of KHA homeopathy study group.
About Dr Kavitha Kukunoor
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor is a homeopathic practitioner from India. She moved to USA in 1998 with her family & currently is practicing in Michigan. She graduated with a Bachelor degree of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) from University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India, and has been in practice since 1995. Kavitha is a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH), a Registered member of NASH, and a Certified HP Supervisor in Homeoprophylaxis. She is President & CEO of Kavitha Holistic Approach. She is the founder of KHA Homeopathy Study Group (pro-bono) with a team of 20-25 homeopaths, conducting monthly 1-2 professional webinars with world renowned homeopaths from around the globe for practitioners and provide continuing educational credits.
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor received an award as Proud Alumni of JSPS Homeopathic Medical College from principal Dr Linga Raju at her Silver Jubilee. She served Homeopathy World Community (pro-bono) for 10 yrs as Administrator, Advisor and as President & COO. She follows classical homeopathy, uses Bach flower, tissue salts, and color and sound remedies as needed. She is certified in organotherapy, detox, and drainage remedies. She mentors students and conducts lectures on homeopathy internationally.
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor Received Prestigeous Martha Oelman Community Service Award honored by National Center for Homeopathy at Joint American Homeopathic Conference JAHC 2021. Click on Image to watch video
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor is FHCi board member (2019), HPWWC board (2019) , LMHI member – Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis and Life time member of NCH.
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor is the author of the book “Beyond the Limits- A Challenge to Prove Oneself”.