Dr. Bipin S Jain
Dr. Bipin S Jain - Dr. Bipin S Jain has been practising for more than 33 years and dedicated his life to train young Homoeopaths for more than 20 years. He is Director of academic services MLDMHI . He has received his graduate as well as post graduate degree in BHMS from Mumbai. His myriad hard works at national and international platforms in bringing Homoeopathy in mainstream Healthcare through media, seminars, teachings and publications. He had been ‘Reviewer’ in the journal of integrated standardised Homoeopathy and Indian journal of research in Homoeopathy by CCRH ...
About Dr. Bipin S Jain
Dr. Bipin S jain was born on 16th December 1966. He is a passionate Homoeopath, dedicated towards healing patients and teaching young budding homoeopaths. He has done myriad hard works at national and international platforms in bringing Homoeopathy in mainstream Healthcare through media, seminars, teachings and publications.
Dr. Bipin SJain has received his graduate as well as post graduate degree in BHMS from Mumbai, in 1989 and 2005 respectively. After which he pursued an MBA course in Education Management from Alagappa, in 2011. He has also been awarded with an Advanced Certificate in Health science education from MUHS, Nasik, in 2018.
Dr. Bipin S Jain has been practising Homoeopathy for more than 33 years and dedicated his life to Training young Homoeopaths for more than 20 years. He had been ‘Reviewer’ in the journal of integrated standardised Homoeopathy and Indian journal of research in Homoeopathy by CCRH. His experience and work in the field of Homoeopathy has added stars of being ‘Member editorial board’ in a journal of research in homoeopathy.
Dr. Bipin’s contribution in different Homoeopathic Institutes: :
- Principal and professor Hom Materia Medica .
- Director academic services MLDMHI
- National commission of homoeopathy: Member and convener core committee CBDC UG and core committee member PG HEB National commission of Homoeopathy University:
- MUHS Approved PG Guide since 2007
- MUHS Approved Phd Guide since February 2012
- Member of BOS para-clinical and faculty Maharashtra university of health science-2023- 2028 homoeopathic faculty
- Member BOS homoeopathic faculty shri Gobind guru university Godhra Gujarat 2023- 2026
- Ex-Member BOS PG Homoeopathy Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka-2018-2021
- Member of research and recognition committee D Y Patil deemed to be university Homoeopathic faculty-2021-2024
- Resource Faculty for Research and education technology workshop by Institute of Medical Education Technology and Teacher Training (METTT), MUHS, Nashik
- Resource faculty education technology CCH India
- Examiner in various university at PG and PHD
Dr. Bipin’s Experience in Administration:
- Head of the Department in the subject of “Homoeopathic Materia Medica- Nov 2010-2021
-Academic P.G. Director since 2002
- Principal since 1/11/2017
- BOS PG RGUHS 2018-2021
- BOS SGGU 2023
- BOS and faculty para clinical MUHS 2023
Dr. Bipin’s Publication-:
- Staphysagria – The wounded hero, Edition - 2009
- Aarogyava Samachikitsa Shastra – Pustak 1-2-3 (Marathi)
Research Papers in recognized National Or International Journals :
An Approach to the Homoeopathic Management of Tuberculosis, NJH May – June 2000, Vol - 2, No – 3, Issue- 51, pg no. 185, ISSN-0971-3247
Approach to treating TB cases, NJH, Vol - 2, No - 5, Issue - 53, Sept –Oct 2000 page no. 363
Iron Deficiency Anaemia – National Alert & Scope of Homoeopathy, NJH, July – Aug 2001, Vol - 3, No - 4, Issue - 58, Pg - 265 ISSN-0971-3247
Clinico -Pathologico-Miasmatic Correlation of Ferrum, NJH, Jan-Feb 2002, Vol - 4 No - 1, Issue - 61, Pg -22 ISSN-0971-3247
Psycho-pathological co-relations of Carcinosin May-June 2006, NJH May - Jun 2006 Vol - 8 No - 3, Issue - 87, Pg - 163 ISSN-0971-3247
Evaluate the efficacy of Homoeopathic treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by co-relating subjective evaluation with objective parameters, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy Vol. 6, Pg No. 13-21, May – July 2012 ISSN – 0975-4156
Health Care: Going holistic the whole Way: A case of reform in homoeopathic medical education, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy ISSN – 0975-4156, Vol. 6, Pg No. 13-21, May – July 2012 ISSN – 0975-4156
Evolving a Conceptual Image of Calcarea Fluor Through Drug Proving, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol 6, Page No. 38-49, August 2012 – Oct 2012 ISSN – 0975-4156
Going Holistic the Whole Way: A Case for Reform in Homoeopathic Medical Education, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, ISSN – 0975-4156, Vol.6, No.4 (21), Pages 43-51, November 2012 – January 2013
Taking Homoeopathy to the Grassroots through Community Health Volunteer (CHV) Program in Mother & Child Care : The Philosophy & The Practice, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, ISSN – 0975-4156, Vol.8, No.2 (27), Pages 31-39, May – July 2014
Transporting a Clinic into the classroom: A unique experience of sensitizing groups in homeopathic case receiving. In HIGHER EDUCATION FORUM (HEF™) 2014 Jan (p. 6). Volume -5 issue1,ISSN 0976-1314, NIGWEKAR A, BHALINGE S, PATEL M, JAIN B
Cina in acute gastroenteritis, National Journal of Homoeopathy, Pages 38-41, Sept 2016 ISSN 0971-3247
H in acute respiratory distress, NJH vol 18, no 9 (204) 42-45 Sept 2016 ISSN-0971-3247
Utility of ‘H’ treatment of ARD in Paediatric age group, NJH, March 2017 ISSN-0971-3247
Application of Boger’s approach in a case of Ventricular Arrythmia, Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org 27th March 2019, Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, ISSN – 2581 – 947X
HOMOEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES[1]Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org 27th March 2019, ISSN – 2581 – 947X, Vol. 2, Issue No. 1
Spigelia: herb that healed heart and head National Journal of Homoeopathy-vol 21,no.9 sept 2019 240th issue ISSN
Jain BS. Determining the utility of peer-assisted learning to enhance clinical skills at the bedside in a Postgraduate Homoeopathic Institute. Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org 2020;3(2):29-36. ISSN – 2581 – 947X
Jadhav KR, Jain BS, Parekh BR. An exploratory study on evolving the conceptual image of the muriatic group through a case series. Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org 2020;3(2):37-42. ISSN – 2581 – 947X
Jain BS, Mishra SA. Inpatient department management – An alcoholic man with acute exacerbation of pancreatitis. Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org 2020;3(2):51-6. ISSN – 2581 – 947X
Jain B S corona pandemic: opportunity for homoeopathic students to upscale Knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA) Homoeopathy for all vol 22 no.9 (248) November 2020 ISSN 0973- 9823
Bagadia L, Dhawale K, Jain B. A single-blind, randomized controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of individualized homoeopathic treatment to modify anger in patients of mild to moderate essential hypertension and thereby reducing high blood pressure against standard care treatment. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2021 Dec 1; 48:102000.
Jain B S opening of new learning Horizons post Covid through online continued Medical education: Evolution of alumni and faculty Homoeopathy for all vol no.23.11(260) November 2021 ISSN 097-9823
Jain BS, Nayak AD Homoeopathic Management of Chronic relapsing pancreatitis in a pediatric Patient: A case report Journal of Integrated Standardized (JISH) , www.mldtrust.org octo-dec,2021;4(4):51-6.page 133-141, ISSN – 2581 – 947X
Vivek kadam, Bhavik Parekh, Bipin Jain, Prashant Tamboli. Kumar Dhawale, Renu Mittal Demographic, Clinical and Remedy Profile of Pulmonology Patients in the In-patient Department, Advancement in Homoeopathic Research, Vol-7, No.2 May2022-July2022 page31-43, ISSN 2456-3668
Parekh BR, Dhawale KM, Jain BS. Evolving an integrated curriculum in post-graduate homoeopathic education: Advanced teachings in fundamentals of homoeopathy. Journal of Intgr Stand Homoeopathy 2022;5:43-7.
Dr. Bipin’s Contribution in Workshops / Seminars/ Conferences/ Symposium and Research Articles presented -
Presentations in International Seminars -
- Presentation in international seminar in Kolkatta organised by NIH on recent advances in homoeopathy on education: Going holistic the whole way: A case for reform in homoeopathic medical education-feb-2010
- Presentation in international seminar organised by LMHI-LIGA, congress on Homoeopathy for public health Dec.2011 on Taking Homoeopathy to the grass root through community health volunteer programme (CHV) in mother and child care: The philosophy and practice.
- Presentation in Canadian Homoeopathic Congress on brain health on topic homoeopathic management of depression on 20th Oct 2013 in Toronto
- Presentation in Canadian Homoeopathic Congress on brain health on topic differential Materiamedica of Anxiety on 20th Oct 2013 in Toronto
- Presentation in Asian homoeopathic league-Mumbai on Homoeopathic management of acute paediatric emergency-10 Oct 2015
- Homoeopathic Management of Childhood Asthma, World AYUSH Expo Homoeopathic Conference, Navi Mumbai 25/8/2019
- Utility of peer assisted learning to enhance clinical skills at the bedside in Homoeopathic postgraduate students LMHI Global Colloquium 202 10-12th DEC 2021 webinar
Presentations in National Seminars and Various Colleges -
Assisted Dr. C. B. Jain in the Hahnemann Day presentation of Clinical Research in Tuberculosis at the ICR and at the HOMAI meet, Kolkata dec.1995
Presented ROT programme in Bhopal on Hom.MateriaMedica and Repertorisation in 1997
Presentation of Paper on Examination of the Patient at HOMAI meets in Baroda, January 2002
Presented at the ICR Silver Jubilee Seminar on Acute Prescribing at Kolhapur, 2001
Presented on the Clinico-pathologico-miasmatic correlation of ferrum at the Dr. SarlaSoonawala Seminar, January 2002
Presented a paper on psychopathology of Carcinocin at the Dr. SarlaSoonawala Seminar, January 2006
Conducted a three day PG seminar at Gulbarga along with Dr. Kumar Dhawale and Dr. Manoj Patel. July 2004
Conducted one day PG seminar at shriBhagwan Homoeopathic medical college Aurangabad for PG students on Materia medica. Aug 2006
Coordinated the ROT programme on materia medica at Dr. M.L.Dhawale memorial homoeopathic institute.May 2005
Presented a paper on How to study MateriaMedica in ROT programme organised by dept. of AYUSH Government of Gujarat.Fab.2006
Conducted one day seminar for PG on homoeopathic approach to acute management at Fr. Muller’s Homoeopathic medical college Mangalore Dec.2005
Presentation on How to study Materia Medica to undergraduate students and intern at Homoeopathic medical college Vengurla.March2007
Presentation on How to study Materia Medica to undergraduate students and intern at homoeopathic medical college Kolhapur.march 2007
Presentation in one day seminar organised by Rajasthan board of homoeopathic medicine on role of susceptibility in Homoeopathic management of tuberculosis.sept.2007
One day seminar in Bhavnagar on how to study MateriaMedicaorganised by ICR study group sept.2007
Presentation as the resource in the ROTP in repertory, Organon and MateriaMedica, psychiatry at MLDMHI Feb. 2008
Coordinator and resource of ROTP in Materia Medica at MLDMHI Palghar Feb. 2008, Oct 2008, May 2009
Presentation as the resource in ROTP at NIH Kolkata and Hyderabad in March 2008, Nov.2008, March 2009
Presentation on study of materia medica of Ferrum at Dr. A. M. Sheikh homoeopathic medical college Belgaum Nov 2008
Presentation as a resource in Medicine, Paediatrics and Organon –philosophy ROTP 2009 in MLDMHI-Palghar
Presentation as a resource in Materia medica ROTP at Goa-KHM college-march-2009, July 2009
Presentation as a resource in Materia medica ROTP at Government HMC Bhuvaneshwar - June-2009
Presentation in the inaugural seminar of Resp.centre of excellence of Soukya foundation on clinico-pathological Miasmatic correlation of COPD and its implication on homeopathic management.-June 2009
Presentation in the MateriaMedica ROTP at Anand in Dr.Dave homoeopathic medical college.-July 2009
Presentation in the Physiology ROTP at government homoeopathic medical college Bangalore-Aug 2009
Resource ROTP-Materia Medica-Nehru Homoeopathic medical college-Delhi
Presentation and resource on curriculum planning; workshop organised by the CCH for excellence in homoeopathic education for the CCH members.-Oct.2009, Nov.2010, feb 2011, July 2011
Resource ROTP-community medicine 2010-jan-MLDMHI-Vadodra
Resource in ROTP at NIH in dept of Materia medica, Repertory, Organon on educational technology March 2011
One day state level seminar in Jabalpur of HOMAI Jabalpur branch on delivering Hahnemannian cure in the 21st century: Role of Homoeopath and his team in 21st century April 2011
ROTP on study of heavy metal at sarda Krishna homoeopathic medical college Marthandam TN
Presentation on problem based learning at kamaxidevi Homoeopathic medical college Goa-sept 2011
Presentation at Hahnemann homoeopathic college London’s Mumbai branch on homoeopathic management of acute abdomen, paediatric respiratory disorder, ENT disorder
Presentation on Importance of Integrated undergraduate learning for successful homoeopathic practice seminar on clinical excellence in public health in homoeopathy Nov.2011
Participated in Need assessment workshop for designing three tier training programme for AYUSH sector organised by AYUSH dept-GOI, at IMDC,IIM Ahmadabad. Aug 2010
Resource for research work shop on research methodology organised by MLDMHI and department research of Dinanath hospital PUNE in 2009 April, 2011 Feb
Resource for Research workshop organised By MUHS with joint effort of MLMHI and Panchsheel homoeopathic medical college Khamgaon at khamgaon-march-2012
Presentation at 18thDr,Sarla Sonawala Memorial seminar in Mumbai-Homoeopathic management of COPD and its clinico-pathologico-miasmatic correlation-Jan-2013
Presentation at 18thDr,SarlaSonawala Memorial seminar in Mumbai-Homoeopathic management of acute respiratory distress in children and infant in IPD-Jan 2013
PG. Workshop at Yerla Homoeopathic Medical College, Khargar, on Acute Respiratory Distress in Children in July 2014
- Resource Person in the Workshop on Surgery conducted by the Council for the Teachers of Homoeopathic Medical College on 21 to 22nd May 2015 At Central Council of Homoeopathy New Delhi.
PG Workshop at J.J. Magdum HMC, Jaysinghpur, “ How to Study Homoeopathic MateriaMedicajuly 2016
- P.G. Workshop at Sharda Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, kulshekhraTamilnadu, April 2016 OPHIDIA Group
-CME in Materia Medica PG module one Bio-psycho-social model of aetio-pathogeneis and its application in study of HMM at DR M L Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic institute-july2016
- CME on dissertation writing and biostatistics At DR M L Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic institute-oct-2016
- Homoeopathic management of psychoneurotic cases in paediatric age group at Indian homeopathic medical association Chennai oct2016
- Workshop in education technology MNR group of health institutes OCT 2016
- XX11 SarlaSonawala Memorial seminar Homoeopathic Management of acute respiratory distress in children
- Homoeopathy in acute paediatric state – April 9th 2017 Hahnemann day navsari homoeopathic medical association
Study of Ranunculaecea family PG work shop in HMM at sarda Krishna homoeopathic medical college kulshekhra-Tamilnadu 16 June 2017
Thesis writing- Research workshop for PHD scholar at Rajsthanvidyapith homoeopathic medical college Udaipur July 6-7 2017
Seminar on neonatology at Bharti vidyapeeth homoeopathic medical college pune on homoeopathic management of acute respiratory distress on 20th sept 2017
Resource at MUHS Nasik introduction to assessment in HSET workshop for academic coordinator in oct 2017
Presentation at homoeopathic university at jaipur for PG on Homoeopathic management of acute respiratory disorder in Children
Resource to MUHS MET dept – Medical education technology workshop on leadership development in education in Mumbai 5th April-2018
MET-MUHS Nasik -Advance course in education technology -introduction to assessment-MCQ, One minute preceptor- April 2018
Introduction to education methodology and adult learning Principle, domain and taxonomy, curriculum out come and objectives-Motiwala homoeopathic medical college basic course in education technology -Nasik- May 2018
Introduction to teaching learning methods-Large group and small group learning Venutai homeopathic college Kolhapur- Basic course in education technology-May 2018
Domain and taxonomy, curriculum out come and objectives YMT Aurvedic college Khargar New Mumbai- Basic course in education technology-September 2018
Introduction to assessment-LAQ,SAQ and OSCE- YMT Aurvedic college Khargar New Mumbai- Basic course in education technology-September 2018
Resource presentation in ROTP 15- Nov 2018 clinico pathological and miasmatic correlation in study of HMM
HOMAI- conference Patna 24th November-presentation on homoeopathic management of acute neurological emergency in paediatric age group
Education Techonology workshop at Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon, Introduction to Assessment & Assessment Methods 26/5/2019
Education Techonology workshop at Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon, Assessment of Knowledge: MCQ, SAQ & LAQ 26/5/2019
Education Techonology workshop at Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon, Assessment of Knowledge: Structured Oral Examination 26/5/2019
Education Techonology workshop at Panchsheel Homoeopathic Medical College, Khamgaon, Group Presentations – Microteaching 26/5/2019
Cancer and Carcinocin : insight in to disease and homoeopathic Materia medica,15th December ,cancer institute of Homoeopathy Kolkata and homoeopathic science congress Patna, at Darjeeling
How to teach drug portrait:CME for teachers in Homoeopathic Materia Medica By Ministry of AYUSH at Ahmedabad Homoeopathic Medical college 8th October 2021
‘Clinical Approach to apply Modern Medicine on the basis of Homoeopathic Philosophy: An Integrated approach’ CME-Medicine by ministry of Ayush at the calcutta homoeopathic medical college & hospital-24th sept 2021
Education planning and management: curriculum planning, integrated teaching and lesson planning CME-repertory by ministry of Ayush at the calcutta homoeopathic medical college & hospital-22nd Feb 2022
Homoeopathic approach in acute diseases, workshop at Raipur for AYUSH medical officer of state of Chhattisgarh, under the national AYUSH mission, organized by department of AYUSH govt of Chhattisgarh Hahnemann day-10th April 2022
Reviving Hahnemannian principles in Homoeopathic education: the way Ahead, reverence to Hahnemann Faculty of homoeopathy shri Gobind Guru University Godhra,2nd July 2022
Dr M L Dhawale Memorial Oration, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College:14th and 15th July 2022 training of the observer and therapeutic problem definition and resolution
Descriptive study and experimental study, Research study design for homoeopathic research-advantage, limitation, utility and application-research workshop D Y Patil Homoeopathic Medical college and research centre-19th July 2022
Mother-Neonate as a unit: Exploring Boger’s Synoptic key-Regions and generalities: All India homoeopathic Post-Graduation Seminar 2022 8th Nov 2022
Fundamentals of CBDC framework: all India homoeopathic principal workshop at Bhopal by national commission of homoeopathy on 24th January 2023
Fundamentals for CBDC template framework: orientation program for 1st BHMS teachers by national commission of Homoeopathy -Homeopathy education board- 14th February at Ahmedabad,16th February- Dr DY Patil Pune, 25th Feb Kottayam,2nd march Noida, 10th march-kolkatta,14th march -Hyderabad
1.Effective search of literature and critical review of literature and citation and reference list CME on research methodology, Homoeopathic university Jaipur 20th march 2023 department of AYUSH
Homoeopathy a sustainable option: hope for future HOMSACON Kolhapur 26th March
Homoeopathic management of acute Pediatric emergency: world Homoeopathic day HOMAI Bihar 23rd April
Webinar Presentations -
- Homoeopathic management of childhood asthma, Dr. Batra academy -2015
Depression and its differential Materia Medica, International Webinar, Enlightenment Education, Santacruz, September 2018
Homoeopathic Management of Hypertension, International Webinar, Enlightenment Education, Santacruz, June 2019
Understanding Boger’s Concept of Totality, International Webinar, Enlightenment Education, Santacruz, ONE-TWO
How can clinicians develop a research mind set in post COVID times? 1-2 Dr M L Dhawale Memorial homoeopathic trust on 9th and 25th September
Phenomenological study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica homoeopathy 360 and Sukul institute of Homoeopathic research, Homoeopathic science congress society on 31st October 2020
Homoeopathic management of Pediatric respiratory emergency G D memorial homoeopathic medical college, homoeopathic science congress, Homoeopathy 360 20th June 2021
Acute emergency in homoeopathy H.O.O.P. in collaboration with prana and other song on 22nd November
Homoeopathic management of paed respiratory emergency: academy of classical homoeopathy 26th february
Other Activities -
Resource for education technology and research workshop for MUHS Nasik in dept of medical education technology
-Resource in CCH workshop on medical education technology
-Convener and coordinator for the development of the Pharmacist and dispenser’s course in homoeopathy- a Joint Project of NIH and MLDMHI
-Formulation and implementation of integrated teaching programme in undergraduate and post graduate homoeopathic education and training- Presentation and resource on curriculum planning, integrated teaching and problem based learning workshops organisedby the CCH for excellence in homoeopathic education for the CCH members.- Oct.2009, Nov.2010, feb-2011, July 2011
-Formulation and implementation of training programme for Community health volunteers in homoeopathy
-Development of Centre of excellence in Pulmonology at Rural Homoeopathic hospital Palghar
-Conducted a Research Pilot Project to Evaluate the efficacy of Homoeopathic treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by co-relation of subjective evaluation with objective parameters
-Examiner in PG at MUHS, NTR health university, Rajiv Gandhi health university and homoeopathic university at Jaipur, Madhya Pradesh health university, west Bengal health university
Dr. Bipin’s Shelf has been decorated with Awards like-
1. Chinmaya Chikitsa Ratna Puraskar- from world jain doctor forum at shravanbelgoda Karnataka for contribution and achievement in field of education and clinical work in Homoeopathic medical field 11 March 2018
2. Best teacher award: by cancer institute of Kolkata and homoeopathic science congress patna at Darjeeling