Dr Yogesh D Niturkar
Dr Yogesh D Niturkar is the Assistant Professor, Department of Organon & Philosophy at Vasantrao Kale Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Latur. He is also the Secretary of District Disability Rehabilitation Centre, Latur, India.
About Dr Yogesh D Niturkar
Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar has completed his MD {Homoeopathy} from Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute under Mumbai University. He is practicing Classical Homoeopathy since last 9 years at Mathura Homoeopathic Clinic, Latur. He is founder member & Secretary of Mathura Charitable Trust, under which he carries out various Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programmes. Since 9 years he is Assistant Professor in Dept of Organon of Medicine & Philosophy at V. K. H.M.C, Latur under Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. He has published 54 scientific evidence based research papers, case studies & doctrinal articles in National & International reputed Homoeopathic journals. He has presented scientific research papers at Homoeopathic Congress & Seminars at Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai & Aurangabad. He is co editor in chief of “International Journal of Advances in Health Sciences” ISSN 2349-7033. He has reviewed Homoeopathic articles & books. He is Life Member and assistant editor of NJH & Representative of Vital Informer. He is Coordinator of ICR Study Group, Latur. He is State Leader for International Homoeopathic Congress-2016 organized by International Homoeopathic Foundation, Delhi.
-: Scientific Paper Publications of Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar: -
Articles published in Peer Reviewed, National & International Circulation Journals
1. “Taking Homoeopathy to the Community: An Initiative Through The Medical College, Latur” Homoeopathy for All, pg no. 40-42, Feb 2009 issue ISSN: 0973-9823
2. “My Dream Was Not Fulfilled” National Journal of Homoeopathy- Theme Calcarea, Vol.12, No 8,131st issue, pg no. 29-30, August 2010ISSN: 0971-3247
3. “Homoeopathic Management of Bakers Cyst”- Dr. D. N. Chinte, Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol.06, No.1, pg no. 49-53, Feb-April 2012 issue ISSN: 0975-4156
“Homoeopathic Management of Complicated Enteric Fever”- Dr. D. N. Chinte, Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, The Homoeopathic Heritage, Vol.38, No.02, pg no. 35-38, May 2012 issue ISSN: 9070-6038
“Diet Therapy in Gastrointestinal Diseases”-Dr. D. N. Chinte, Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, Homoeopathic Clinical Case Recorder, Vol. 19, No. 5, pg no. 2-6, May 2012 Issue ISSN: 2278-5809
“Integrated Approach in Perceiving the Role of Psychotherapy in Homoeopathy”- Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, Dr. Pradeep Bodke, The Homoeopathic Heritage, Vol.38, No.03, pg no. 18-21, June 2012 issue ISSN: 9070-6038
“Homoeopathic Approach in Perceiving Non Union of Fracture”- Dr. D. N. Chinte, Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar, Homoeopathy For All, Vol. 13, No. 7, pg no. 62-66, July 2012 Issue ISSN: - 0973-9823
“Perceiving Theory of Temperament”- Vital Informer, Vol. 20, No.7, pg no. 22, July& August 2012 issue
“Subscapularis Muscle Tear- A Case Study”-The Homoeopathic Heritage, Vol.38, No.05, pg no. 36-38, August 2012 issue ISSN: 9070-6038
“Subscapularis Muscle Tear- A Case Study”-The Homoeopathic Heritage, Vol.38, No.05, pg no. 36-38, August 2012 issue ISSN: 9070-6038
Scientific & Research Workshops Attended by Dr. Yogesh D. Niturkar:-
1} 03/01/04- 04/01/04: “Standardization of Dose & Combination of Homoeopathic Medicines” at Beed, Maharashtra, India.
2} 18/04/09- 19/04/09: “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” at Pune, Maharashtra, India.
3} 30/11/11: “Workshop on Homoeopathic Hospital Management” New Delhi, India.
4} 01/12/11-04/12/11: “66th LIGA World Homoeopathic Congress”, New Delhi, India.
5} 3/10/12-5/10/12: “Workshop for Teachers of Organon of Medicine & Philosophy of Homoeopathic Medical Colleges”, CCH, New Delhi, India.
6} 21/12/12- 23/12/12: “XVIII All India Homoeopathic Congress”, held at Science City, Kolkata West Bengal, India.
7} 9/02/13 – 10/02/13: “Perceiving a Case in Homoeopathic Practice and It’s Importance in Demonstrating Scope of Homoeopathy in Management of Acute & Pathologically Advanced Disease States At Bedside”, held at Shahu Smarak, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
8} 13/04/13: “Teachers Workshop on Scheme of Examinations for Ist BHMS Course”, held at DKMM Homoeopathic Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
9} 9/12/13-11/12/13: 166th Omics Group Conferences, “International Conference & Exhibition on Traditional & Alternative Medicine”, Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Hyderabad, India.
10} 22/02/14 – 23/02/14: “Homoeopathic Management of Children with Developmental Disability & Mental Health Disorders”, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
11} 24/05/14-25/05/14: “Success Stories Through Basic & Fundamental Research & In Paediatric Disorders” 1st National Homoeopathic Conference, Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis, Indian Chapter, Hotel Piccadilly/Hilton, Near Janakpuri West Metro Station, New Delhi, India
12} 22/03/15: “An Integrated & Holistic Homoeopathic Approach To Mother & Child Care”, Apple Hospitals & Research Institute, Kadamwadi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India 13} 12/04/15: “Experiencing Tri-Co-Ordinate Care Through Standardized Homoeopathic Practice: The ICR Way”, IMA Conference Hall, Bhalchandra Blood Bank, Latur, Maharashtra, India
Participation in Free Medical Camps: -
1) 28/03/12 – Free Medical Camp organized by Department of AYUSH, Public Health Centre (PHC), Omerga, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India.
2) 31/03/12 – Free Medical Camp organized by Department of AYUSH, Public Health Centre (PHC) & S.P.A.R.S.H, Rural Hospital, Sastur, Tq. Lohara, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India.
3) 27/11/12 – Free Medical Camp organized by Department of AYUSH, Public Health Centre(PHC), Tuljapur, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India.
4) 16/03/13 – Free Medical Camp organized by Department of AYUSH, Public Health Centre (PHC) & S.P.A.R.S.H, Rural Hospital, Sastur, Tq. Lohara, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India.
5) 30/03/14- Blood Donation Camp organized by Mathura Charitable Trust, Latur at Mathura Clinic, Ganj Golai, Latur, Maharashtra, India.
6) 10/04/14- Free Homoeopathic Camp organized by Mathura Charitable Trust, Latur at Mathura Clinic, Ganj Golai, Latur, Maharashtra, India.
7) 05/05/14- Free Homoeopathic Camp organized by Mathura Charitable Trust, Latur at Jadhav Hospital, Main Road, Nitur, Tq. Nilanga, District Latur, Maharashtra, India.
8) 22/05/14- Free Opthalmic Camp organized by Mathura Charitable Trust, Latur at Akharwayi, Latur, Maharashtra, India.
1. Organizing Secretary: - 12/04/15: “Experiencing Tri-Co-Ordinate Care Through Standardized Homoeopathic Practice: The ICR Way”, IMA Conference Hall, Bhalchandra Blood Bank, Latur, Maharashtra, India
2. State Leader: Maharashtra- 8/04/16- 10/04/16: International Homoeopathic Congress- 2016 (IHC-2016)
Social Services Undertaken: -
Involved in many social projects mainly School Health Programmes, De- Addiction Campaign, Public Awareness Campaign viz. Health & Hygiene, AIDS, and Global Warming etc
1. Health Check Up of Old Inmates at Matoshree Vridhashram
2. General Screening Camp
3. School Health Programme- Orientation of Teachers , Health Check Up, Education & Awareness on Health & Hygiene, Public Awareness on AIDS
4. Blood Donation Camp
Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute’s ICR Study Group, Latur
Member, Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis, Indian Chapter
Life Member, National Journal of Homoeopathy
National Journal of Homoeopathy
Vital Informer, Monthly Medical Newsletter
Current Project:-
Working on “Role of Homoeopathic Medicines in Cerebral Paralysis with Mental Retardation”undertaken at Sanvedana Rehabilitation School for Cerebral Paralysis with Mental Retardation, Latur, Maharashtra, India.
Clinical Experience:
-9 years of vast clinical experience.
1} Teachers Annual Planner
2} Evaluation & Assessment Record for BHMS Students
Association:-Associated with
1. Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Trust, Mumbai
2. Jankalyan Residential School, Harangul
3. Sanvedna Rehabilitation School For Cerebral Paralysis with Mental Retardation, Latur