Dr Robin Murphy
Dr Robin Murphy, ND is a naturopathic physician who has been teaching and practicing Homeopathy, Oriental Medicine, Tai Chi and Qigong (Chi Kung) for over 30 years. He is an internationally recognized author and researcher on Homeopathy and Medical Qigong.
About Dr. Robin Murphy
Dr. Murphy was born August 15, 1950 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He carried out his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. There he discovered their homeopathic collection and became intrigued with the system it described.
In 1976 he entered the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM), on a Hahnemann Scholarship. While at the school he studied with Dr. Ravi Sahni and Dr. John Bastyr. He directed the homeopathy program at NCNM from 1980-1984. He also taught at Bastyr University.
Dr. Murphy was one of the earliest seminar teachers and is responsible for introducing many people to homeopathy. He takes a practical approach to homeopathic education, bringing clarity to the interrelation between philosophy, materia medica, and repertory work.
He published the Homeopathic Medical Repertory in 1993, and the Lotus Materia Medica in 1996. He is the director of the Lotus Health Institute which sponsors seminars on homeopathy, qigong, and natural medicine.
He does not give any guarantee of “cure” but from his long Homoeopathic experience of over 35+ years, he will try his best to offer you or your patients the desirable improvement of symptoms. All his improved or benefited cases do not represent evidence but personal opinion of the patients treated by him.
Many years ago, Dr. Murphy learned a rare Buddhist Qigong system from the grandmaster Liu Siong. Liu Siong learned it from the Buddhist monks of the Shaolin monastery in China. The legendary monks revealed to Liu Siong the Qi movements and Qi meditations taught centuries ago by Tibetan lamas. Also, many of the Qigong movements and meditations originated from the Tai Chi school of Qigong and martial arts.