Dr Master’s introduction into homeopathy was in the year June 1976, when he joined Bombay Homeopathic Medical College, after giving up his studies at the orthodox school of medicine. In December 1979, Dr Master passed his LCEH examination, with a 1st class in all subjects, in all the years, getting the most coveted silver as well as gold medal. He was also honoured by the then Governor of Maharashtra for an outstanding medical career.....
Language Editor
RCHom (Registered Classical Homeopath) in New Zealand....
Managing Editor
Dr. Rashi Prakash, SME- Homeopathy at BJain Group of Companies is an experienced professional with BHMS (DU), PGDS & MBA(HA) degrees in her accord. She is associated with reputed multispecialty hospitals and NGOs. Presented with the Shaurya Puraskar for academic excellence, she is an avid writer with multiple publications in reputed journals and an influential orator who has given several talks and podcasts.
In-House Editors
Dr Mansi Tyagi - Dedicated and compassionate BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) graduate from prestigious college of Delhi, Dr.B.R.Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre. A devoted and versatile Homoeopathic Consultant, Diet and Nutrition Consultant with a strong commitment to improve the overall health and well-being of individuals."...
Dr Divyanshi Lohni -Dr. Divyanshi lohni is a Dedicated Medical Doctor with a proven track record of providing superior assistance to medical personnel for the last 3 years. Bringing forth an empathetic and professional attitude, committed to providing potent with the best cure possible....
Chief - Associate Editor
- Dr Yogesh D Niturkar Dr Niturkar is the Assistant Professor, Department of Organon & Philosophy at Vasantrao Kale Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Latur. He is also the Secretary of District Disability Rehabilitation Centre, Latur, India.…...
Associate Editors
Dr Abha is the second-generation Homeopathic Physician and also providing consultancy at ..
Presently the Head of Department of Repertory at R.B.T.S. Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital...

Dr Anit Acharya
Dr Anit Singh Acharya, PhD (Hom).MBA(health care).MA psychology, Associate professor, Dept of HMM....
M.D (Hom.) (Gold Medalist), Dr. D.Y.Patil. Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre..
B.H.M.S. (NHMC, Delhi), Homoeopathic consultant, Greater Noida..
BHMS,MD (Homeo) is a classical homeopathic practitioner with over 12 years clinical.....
Dr Hitarth Mehta • Principal At Rajkot Homoeopathy Medical College-Rajkot..
President & CEO - Kavitha Holistic Approach, Founder & Director of KHA homeopathy study group..
Dr Krutik Shah M.D. (Hom.), D. IACH (Greece) is the Chief Consultant Homeopath & Medical..
BHMS, MD(Hom.), PhD (Hom.), DNHE, Associate Professor and Homoeopathic Physician and Consultant...
BHMS, MD (HOM), founder of Vigyan School of Homoeopathy and currently working at CCRH….
Principal and Professor in Dept. of Anatomy. (Poojan Homeo Care) in Vadodara. Homeopathic
Assistant Professor Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Parul Institute of Homoeopathy.....
B.H.M.S, MD Professor and Head of Yenepoya Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital (YHMCH) ...
MD in homeopathy is a renowned homeopathic physician and is winner of..….
Specialties: Research, Clinical Operations, GCP, Monitoring, project Management, Medical Writing and Key Opinion...
Dr Clare Relton - Senior Lecturer in Clinical Trials, Queen Mary University London and Honorary ..
Director General of CCRH, an autonomous organization of Ministry of AYUSH ....
Prof (Dr)ESWARA DAS, now working as the Project Co ordinator at National ...
Francis Treuherz, MA, FSHom, has been practicing homeopathy since 1984 which ..

Dr Kamal Sethi
Prof. Sethi has been President of Cardiology Society of India and Member of Executive Council..
Dr Meeta Gupta, Md (Hom), Mba (Health Care), is presently the Chief Medical Officer (NFSG)..

Dr Monika Kathuria
M.D. (Hom.) in Repertory completed her PG in 2008 and BHMS in 1995 from ....
She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in homeopathic medicine ....
Director(AYUSH) Government of NCT Delhi; Secretary for Information and Communication...
Founded in 1844 and incorporated by Parliament in 1950 the Faculty of Homeopathy supports ...

Dr Sandeep Sathye
Received his B.H.M.S. from Pune University 1988, a Diploma in Naturopathy, Nasik, 1989, Ph.D. Open International....
International Advisors
Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician ...
Practising for more than 33 years and dedicated his life to train young Homoeopaths for more than 20 years...
M.D. and Homeopath, Israel, Dr. Chaim Rosenthal, Founder of the Israeli School of Homeopathy ...
He is the founding President and teacher of the first Flemish School for Classical...
Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy – Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) Research ...
Jan Scholten was born on December 23rd, 1951, in Helmond (The Netherlands). He can be contacted at ...
Jeremy Sherr was born April 2, 1955, in South Africa, and grew up in Israel. founder of Homeopathy for..

Dr Kamlesh Mehta
Founder: Hahnemannian Gurukul, Head: Homeopathic Panacea Clinics; Prof. ...
Born May 1, 1946, in Ghent, Belgium and one of America’s leading Hahnemannian homeopaths...

Dr LM Khan
Dr L.M. Khan, passed D.M.S. under the Council of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, West Bengal ...
Miranda Castro is a British-trained professional homeopath who has been in practice. In 2007 she moved to..
Dr Sahani was awarded PhD from the Maharastra University of Health Science for his research..
Controller of Examinations, Kerala University of Health Sciences, Kerala.He is heading the examination .....
president of the CENTRE FOR HOMEOPATHY MILAN. Teacher of Homeopathy in several schools ..
Dr. Richard Moskowitz has been practising for more than 50 years as a Family physician..
Principal, and HOD, Practice of Medicine at The Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College...
Ex-member|scientific advisory committee Dilli Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, Ministry Of Health....
M.D. (Hom.), Ph.D. is a wäl-known personality in our homoeopathic world...
He is an internationally respected teacher and clinical Homoeopath..
B.H.M.S.(Gold Medalist), M.D.(Hom.), M.B.A., Fellow (Albert Ellis Institute, NY, US), Head of the ..
Dr Rowe is the director of AMCH Proving Research. He has conducted numerous provings, mostly focusing ..
A leading person of homoeopathy in Japan. In 1996, she began introducing homoeopathy on a full scale..

Uttareshwar R. Pachegaonkar
Integral Health Counselor - Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry (India); Yoga ...

Dr Yogesh Sehgal
Practitioner, teacher, author of books Feelings, Missing Links, Kingdom of mind, and Understanding...
takes a practical approach to homeopathic education, bringing clarity to the interrelation .....